Iran’s civil aviation battling sanctions

04 September 2014 | 22:09 Code : 1937915 Latest Headlines

On August 10, 2014, flight number 5916 to Tabas crashed shortly after taking off from Iran's Mehrabad Airport. Only 9 of those onboard survived.

The plane was an Antonov-140 jointly built by Iran and Ukraine. Minutes after takeoff, the pilot detected technical difficulties and tried to return to the airport, but the twin-engine turboprop crashed on a road nearby.

After the victory of the 1979 revolution in Iran, the US lost one of its most important allies in the Middle East. Economic and political sanctions were immediately imposed to put pressure on Iran.

In 1995, the US banned all aviation companies from selling spare parts to Iran.

A country’s development is closely linked to the advances made by its aviation sector, so preventing that development can hamper the growth of a country’s economy and trade sector. That is why Iran has decided not to wait any longer, and go ahead with acquiring this monopolized technology.