No power dares to threaten Iranˈs interests in region: Speaker

03 September 2014 | 21:59 Code : 1937883 Latest Headlines

IRNA – No power dares to threaten Iranˈs interests in the region, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said on Wednesday.

He made the remarks to a parade of Bushehr provinceˈs armed forces.

Iranˈs armed forces have a deterrence role in the region and they can guarantee regional security and stability, the speaker added.

He warned the western governments not to violate Iranˈs interests and red lines.

Larijani referred to the regionˈs instability and unrest in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Egypt and praised Iranˈs stability.

Iran has great defensive capabilities and no power dares to attack the Iranian territory, Larijani added.

Larijani arrived in the Persian Gulf province of Bushehr Wednesday morning to attend a ceremony held to commemorate martyrdom of Reis Ali Delvari.

September 3 has been designated as the Day of Combat Against British Colonialism in Iran.

Larijani also visited Bushehr power plant.