Foreign Ministerial meeting in Vienna to help nuclear talks: Boroujerdi

11 July 2014 | 23:29 Code : 1935665 Latest Headlines

Tehran, July 11, IRNA – Senior lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said on Friday that the presence of P5+1 foreign ministers in Vienna can help the nuclear talks with Iran progress better.


2720919-3932273.jpg Boroujerdi, head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said that the greater authority the foreign ministers enjoy can add more vigour to the talks.

What the Islamic Republic of Iran insists on are reasonable rights enshrined in the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Boroujerdi said.

The Iranian legislator said that this round of talks is very tough because it is not quite clear whether the two sides could reach a final agreement by July 20.

In Novemeber 2013, Iran and 5+1 set the dat as the deadline for developing a final comprehensive agreement.

He advised Americans to stop demanding too much and abide by the realities