Ambassador: Iran never gives up nuclear rights

10 July 2014 | 23:07 Code : 1935613 Latest Headlines

Moscow, July 9, IRNA – Iranˈs Ambassador to Moscow Mehdi Sanaee said on Wednesday that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not give up its nuclear rights.


2720796-3931489.jpg Speaking in a live TV program, he said that the Iranian nuclear program is of peaceful nature and the nuclear rights enshrined by Non-Proliferation Treaty is regarded as the red line that Tehran never overlooks.

Referring to intensive nuclear talks underway in Vienna between Iran and G5+1, he expressed the hope that the Comprehensive Agreement over the nuclear dispute would be inked by July 20.

Iran is ready to resolve the remaining issue but this time the burden has been put upon shoulders of G5+1, he said.

Despite having a very crystal clear nuclear program, the country was target of unfair economic sanctions, he said.

It is the Iranian legitimate rights to continue with its peaceful nuclear program in line with the international standards, he said.

Level of cooperation between Iran and IAEA is very exemplary and no country in the world has made such a close cooperation, he said.

During the interview, the Iranian ambassador criticized the wrong policies of the western governments and the US in the Middle East region.

All governments in the region should cooperate to uproot the menace of terrorism in the region and Iraq, in particular, he said.