09 July 2014 | 03:30 Code : 1935520 Latest Headlines

Tehran, July 8, IRNA -- The English language paper Iran Daily in its Press Panorama column to be published on Wednesday has reviewed several Persian newspapers:


2720685-3930957.jpg Third Intifada

Jomhouri Eslami: The outrageous atrocities perpetrated by the Israeli regime could trigger the “third Intifada”.

Soldiers of the occupying regime brutally beat and burned a Palestinian teenager in a Beit-ul-Moqaddas forest last week, which not only provoked the anger of Palestinians, but also sparked global condemnation.

Palestinian youths clashed with Israeli security forces in East Beit-ul-Moqaddas and the Galilee in scenes reminiscent of the Palestinian uprisings in 1987 and 2000—the first and second Intifada respectively.

The crime was so terrible that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu felt compelled to “sympathize” with the victim’s family!

However, this hypocritical act failed to assuage the wrath of Palestinians.

The cruel murder, ever-increasing repression by Israel, failure of peace talks and disappointment with Arab countries in supporting the defenseless Palestinians indicate signs of the outbreak of the third Intifada against Israeli butchers.

Afghan election

Arman: Iran should not adopt a negative approach regarding Afghanistan’s presidential election.

Iran’s strategic interests demand that a powerful central government be established in Afghanistan.

Such an outlook promotes peace and security in the region, which will also benefit Iran.

Afghanistan is in pressing need of a trade port to boost transactions with the outside world, for which it has to either count on Iran or Pakistan.

Due to political tensions between Kabul and Islamabad, Afghans prefer to use Chabahar Port in southeastern Iran for foreign trade.

Irrespective of the result of Afghan election, Tehran should focus on expansion of economic ties with its eastern neighbor.

Besides, Afghanistan is a corridor for Iran to boost trade with Central Asian nations, Muslim regions of China and East Asia.

Buskers down in the dumps

Sharq: The ever-increasing number of buskers is rooted in urbanization, as people from villages migrate to big cities in the hope of making a living and improving their lives.

Such street performances in Iran date back to Qajar dynasty (1785 to 1925), wherein street performers played traditional musical instruments on roadsides for money.

At present, unemployed youths play Western instruments to earn a living.

A significant number of art graduates, who have failed to join the workforce, take to busking to make ends meet.

Although the street performance is recognized as an honorable occupation in the West, it is considered an eyesore in Iran. Nevertheless, a large number of buskers do not consider it to be a sustainable profession.

Nuclear deal and stabilization of gov’t

Jahan-e San’at: Not withstanding the considerable efforts made to settle foreign policy issues, the ongoing crisis in the region makes it imperative for President Hassan Rouhani’s administration to clinch a final nuclear deal with major world powers.

Hardliners both in the United States and Iran seek to trumpet the inconclusiveness of nuclear talks and build up pressure on their respective governments.

If Rouhani’s administration fails to solve the country’s nuclear program, it will remain entangled in knotty problems because lifting sanctions, attracting investments and easing economic pressures call for a compromise over the issue that has persisted for more than a decade.

tags: iran