Iraqi nation will never accept disintegration: Afkham

05 July 2014 | 21:30 Code : 1935350 Latest Headlines

Tehran, July 5, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said on Saturday that Iraqis will never accept disintegration of their homeland.


2720287-3928983.jpg She reiterated Iranˈs support for Iraqˈs solidarity and territorial integrity.

The spokeswoman made the remarks while commenting on some reports on Iraqˈs disintegration.

ˈThe Iraqi Constitution has the capacity to meet demands of all Iraqi people and there is no doubt that every and each Iraqi national supports maintaining territorial integrity of the country,ˈ Afkham told IRNA.

She added that the vigilant people of Iraq will by no means allow materialization of the plots and dreams of the Zionist regime and enemies of their country in the region.