Iran hopes for fast release of 4 IRI diplomats from Zionist prisons

05 July 2014 | 02:23 Code : 1935313 Latest Headlines

Tehran, July 4, IRNA – On 23rd anniversary of kidnapping 4 Iranian diplomats in Lebanon and transferring them to occupier Zionist regimeˈs prisons, Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a communiqué, hoping for their fast release from illegal captivity there.


81225020-5801993.jpg In the Foreign Ministry communiqué issued on Friday, the July 4th kidnapping of four Iranian diplomats 32 years ago in Lebanon is commemorated and the rights of both the Islamic Republic of Iran and the still hopeful and worried families of the dear Iranian diplomats for serious pursuing of their fate till clarifying of the issue is emphasized.

The Foreign Ministry has referred to the conditions in which the Iranian diplomats were kidnapped in Lebanon, such as being occupied of Lebanon by the Zionist regime armed forces at the time, and the existing documents on transferring of the Iranian diplomats to the occupied Palestine, arguing that ˈthe Zionist regime is both legally, and diplomatically, fully responsible in this respect.ˈ

The efforts made by different Lebanese governments and some concerned international organizations during the course of the past three decades to resolve the problem, including the September 13, 2008 letter of the Lebanese government to the UN secretary general of the time and to the other concerned international bodies, especially the International Committee of the Red Cross Society, are appreciated in the Foreign Ministry communiqué.

ˈThe Islamic Republic of Iran once again renews itˈs previously made proposal for the establishment of an international fact finding committee to clarify the dimensions of this incidence and emphasizes the necessity of the matter,ˈ it stresses.

The Foreign Ministry has meanwhile expressed hope that in very near future the world nations will be witnesses to the liberation of the entire innocent Muslim inmates in the horrendous Zionist prisons, especially the four illegally kidnapped and transferred diplomats, as well as the prosecution and putting to fair trial of the criminal Zionists.

On July 4, 1982, three Iranian diplomats, namely Ahmad Motevasselian, Seyyed Mohsen Mousavi, and Taqi Rastegar Moqaddam, as well as the IRNA photojournalist Kazem Akhavan, were abducted on their way to the Iranian Embassy in Beirut from Tripoli.

The Zionist regime occupier forces had proceeded as far a Beirut at the time and the Lebanese capital city was experiencing war conditions when the Lebanese Phalangist Party forces kidnapped the Iranian diplomats and delivered them to the occupier Zionists with whom they were allied at the time.

The move was in direct contrast with the diplomatic immunity of the three Iranian diplomats and the journalist freedoms of the abducted IRNA photojournalist.

There has been news on getting killed of the Charge dˈAffires of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut Seyyed Hassan Mousavi and his companions, but according to prevailing facts and figures they are still alive and in captivity of the Israeli forces.

Despite the various moves made by the Islamic Republic of Iran aimed at facilitating the freedom of the kidnapped Iranian diplomats throughout the past three decades there is still no precise information about the exact fate of them, which is still in a cloud of ambiguities created by the Zionist occupiers of Palestine.