Iran, Kazakhstan discuss development of economic ties

05 July 2014 | 02:21 Code : 1935312 Latest Headlines

Tehran, July 4, IRNA – Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Tehran met with Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade on Friday and discussed with him ways of developing bilateral trade and economic ties.


81225334-5802491.jpg According to Iran Trade Development Organization Website, the Iranian Deputy Minister Valiollah Afkhami Rad told his visitor that developing trade with neighboring countries is among priorities of President Rouhaniˈs administration.

He stressed that Iran attaches much importance to relations with Kazakhstan.

Afkhami Rad pointed to Iranˈs great capacity in different fields such as decorative products, goods transport, banking, construction, agriculture, mining, and manufacturing of automobile and agricultural machinery.

The Iranian official expressed hope that economic ties between Tehran and Astana would expand.

Kazakhstan Ambassador Amreev Bagdat Kultaevich, in the meeting, referred to the grounds of cooperation between Tehran and Astana and called for expansion of ties in trade and economic fields.