Araqchi reacts to Navi Pillayˈs request from 5+1G delegations

05 July 2014 | 02:20 Code : 1935311 Latest Headlines

Vienna, July 4, IRNA – Iranian top nuclear negotiator Seyyed Abbas Araqchi reacting to UN High Commissionaire Navi Pillayˈs request from 5+1 Group delegations to include human rights issue in nuclear talks said the issue is unrelated to matter of discussions.


81224951-5801875.jpg The UN High Commissionaire for Human Rights Navi Pillay had on Thursday in a press conference on the sidelines of the Vienna 6 nuclear negotiations between Iran and the so-called 5+1G (also known as the E3+1 – comprised of the UN big 5 countries and Germany) requested the western negotiating delegations to include the human rights issue in Iran in their nuclear negotiations with Tehran in full details.

ˈThe human rights issue is fully unrelated to the nuclear talks, as everyone is well aware, and such a request will lead nowhere,ˈ said Araqchi in response to a question by IRNA.

Araqchi added that he had only seen a headline about the UN High commissionaire for human rights (UNHCHR) comment on the matter and that he was not even fully aware whether she had said so or not, reiterating, ˈAll I can say is that Ms. Pillay is a much respected personality at the international scene.ˈ

ˈShe is an internationally renowned, experienced personality and I seriously doubt it that she would have been incapable of comprehending such a simple fact,ˈ added Araqchi, who is shouldering the spokesmanˈs responsibility in these rounds of the nuclear negotiations.

ˈAll the sides of these negotiations, too, are fully aware of the fact that the human rights issue is totally unrelated to the matter of discussions in our ongoing nuclear talks,ˈ further stressed the Iranian deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs.