Kermani: Anti-Islamic ISIS approach threatening global security

05 July 2014 | 02:17 Code : 1935310 Latest Headlines
Tehran, July 4, IRNA – Interim Friday prayers leader of Tehran condemned terrorist acts of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in their brutal murder of Muslims, arguing that their harsh, anti-Islamic approach is a threat against world peace and security, and all religions.

Ayatollah Mohammad-Ali Movahhedi-Kermani meanwhile praised the Almighty Allah for hearing the authentic news on continuous defeats and near future uprooting of the ISIS.

ˈThanks God the ISIS is on the verge of defeat and the Iraqi Army, backed up by the people of Iraq, is determined to uproot that terrorist group,ˈ said Ayatollah Kermani.

He attributed the formation and financial support for such terrorist groups as the ISIS, Al Qaeda and the like to the ˈglobal oppressor powersˈ, arguing, ˈThe oppressors had assumed that by massacring, promoting terrorism, and wretched acts of those type they will manage to block the path for the Islamic influence in the world, and the growth of the Islamic Revolution, but thanks God they have not even managed to achieve a damned thing.ˈ

Ayatollah Movahhedi-Kermani said that it is thanks to the existence of the culture of martyrdom and Jihad in the Islamic world and the pious endeavors of the Muslims that the plots hatched by the oppressor powers have all been dismantled thus far.

ISIS rebels have been methodically hunting down non-Sunnis and those opposed to the militants, refugees from the rebel-held towns have told the BBC.

ISIS demanded officials and soldiers pledge allegiance to the caliphate they recently declared or face execution.

More than one million Iraqis have fled their homes over the month as Isis seized Mosul, Tikrit and other cities in the north-west.