Italian Party Leader: ISIL Threatening Entire World

05 July 2014 | 02:12 Code : 1935309 Latest Headlines
TEHRAN (FNA)- Laura Chiatroni Madrigali, the leader of Italy’s 'Forza Popolare' party, called for an immediate halt in financial and arms supports for the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL ISIS or Daesh), warning that the group is a vital threat to the whole world, specially the European states.

"What worries me is to know that terrorists can strike anywhere in the world at any time, even using weapons of mass destruction. They can poison aqueducts or spread deadly substances in the air-conditioning ducts in public places, and Europe is not protected as is the US," Madrigali said in an interview with FNA.

"This requires full cooperation among nations to stop them before there is an escalation of violence and terror," the Italian party leader added.

What follows is the text of Madrigali's interview with FNA.

Q: what is your opinion about ISIL crimes in Iraq?

A: The first thing I ask myself, before even talking about the terrible ferocity of Daesh (ISIL), is who organized them and for which purpose. Who finances them, who supports them, who allows the online and bazaar sales of t-shirts and gadgets of Daesh. Such fighters are paid, and even if they are united by the same ideology I think the force is not in ideology, but in the money. Certainly their crimes in cold blood horrify the whole world.

Q: How do you see the relations between the ISIL and the Western governments, specially the US?

A: I believe that without a valid support against extremism in certain regional countries, including Syria and Iraq, the US will do some mistakes again. Iran could give a big support against terrorism.

Q: Do you think that ISIL is the reaction of the West to Iraq's recent elections?

A: I do not know, but frankly we cannot be surprised by anything. What worries me is to know that terrorists can strike anywhere in the world at any time, even using weapons of mass destruction. They can poison aqueducts or spread deadly substances in the air-conditioning ducts in public places, and Europe is not protected as is the US.

This requires full cooperation among nations to stop them before there is an escalation of violence and terror.

The war in Iraq was wrong, and it would even be more wrong if it didn't come to an end. This occupation of Iraq had nothing to do with the values of justice and democracy so dear to the cultures and western governments. We no longer recognize this world in which we live, the terrible and selfish people who live in speculative bubbles and do not respect the peoples of the nations.

Q: What is your solution for eradicating the dangers of ISIL?

A: To eradicate the problem with Daesh we need to know for sure who finances them, and make it known to the whole world as soon as possible. Pressure from the public opinion is stronger than governments.