Leader stresses ‘no halt for scientific movement’ in Iran

04 July 2014 | 00:08 Code : 1935263 Latest Headlines
TEHRAN, July 3 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution has met with a group of Iranian academics and stressed the scientific movement in the country should not be halted. 

A group of Iranian academics and university professors from different fields of studies met with the leader Wednesday evening.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iranian universities should be run by those who love scientific progress and not those who are unconcerned about it.

Leader warned that turning universities into political clubs is a lethal poison for the country's scientific progress.

“Through scientific progress, sanctions imposed upon Iranians by West, are thwarted in the short term,” said the Leader and that “enemy exploits sanctions to humiliate and pressure the nation but a bond between science, industry and agriculture thwarts all sanctions.”