Japan, Iran to boost environmental cooperation

06 April 2014 | 22:29 Code : 1931097 Latest Headlines

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Iranian Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar have agreed that the two countries boost environmental cooperation.

Abe met Ebtekar in Tokyo on Thursday. The Iranian vice president also heads her country's Environment Department.

Their talks come as environmental cooperation between Japan and Iran is expanding. This includes an effort to improve the water quality for lakes in Iran.

Abe touched on last year's summit meeting between Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and himself and on the visit by Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida to Iran.

Abe said he is glad bilateral exchanges are increasing and that the two countries' traditional and friendly ties have great potential for development.

Ebtekar said Iran shares many cultural affinities with Japan and Iranians have a strongly favorable sentiment toward Japan.

She added that conditions are set for the two Asian countries to develop bilateral relations.

Abe also referred to the talks between Iran and Western countries over Tehran's nuclear development, saying he wants to see a complete resolution to the matter and would like the vice president to convey his hope to President Rouhani.