Two NATO Civilian Contractors Killed in Kabul Attack

10 February 2014 | 22:59 Code : 1928555 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- Two civilian contractors working for the NATO forces in Afghanistan were killed in a bomb attack in Kabul on Monday, a statement from the coalition said.

The statement from the International Security Assistance Force did not give the nationalities of the dead, AFP reported.

The car bomb attack near Kabul's main prison Pol-e-Charkhi targeted a convoy of NATO troops, officials said.

At around 14:30 (10:00 GMT), "a suicide car bomber driving a (Toyota) Corolla car full of explosives rammed his vehicle into a foreign forces car in Pol-e-Charkhi area of Kabul," Hashmat Stanekzai, a Kabul police spokesman, told AFP.

An AFP photographer at the scene saw burnt and twisted parts of what seemed to be the vehicle carrying the bomb as well as a damaged armored vehicle.

NATO and Afghan forces have cordoned off the area.