78 Members of Congress Call on Administration to Implement Additional Sanctions on Iran

08 October 2013 | 23:03 Code : 1922633 Latest Headlines

U.S. Congressmen Brad Schneider (IL-10) and Luke Messer (IN-6) led a bipartisan group of 78 freshman lawmakers calling on the Obama Administration to utilize additional authorized sanctions passed by the House of Representatives against Iran to ensure it does not acquire nuclear weapons.

“History will judge our actions with Iran by one simple question—did we prevent it from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Schneider said. “While recent diplomatic progress is encouraging, actions are what matter ultimately. The Administration must continue to implement a full spectrum of sanctions, pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program or face an even graver economic outlook.”

“America cannot accept a nuclear armed Iran,” Messer said. “I welcome a dialogue with Iran, but America must continue the pressure of sanctions and be clear force is an option unless Iran dismantles its nuclear program.”

To view a copy of the letter, click here.

Congressman Brad Schneider, a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, has actively called for increased economic sanctions to prevent a nuclear-capable Iran. In June, the House approved an amendment authored by Schneider to the National Defense Authorization Act that would analyze how sanctions are affecting Iran’s ability to outsource its military capabilities.

Congressman Luke Messer is a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and sits on the subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa. He recently traveled to Israel and The West Bank where he heard firsthand from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders about their concerns over a nuclear armed Iran.

tags: the house iran