Kerry: "Action against Syria, message to Iran and North Korea"

03 September 2013 | 22:43 Code : 1920856 Latest Headlines

US Congressional authorization for action against Syria will also send "an important message" to Iran and North Korea, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.

“We will be granting a blanket license to Assad to continue to gas and we will send a terrible message to the North Koreans, Iranians, and others who might be trying to read how serious America is about enforcing its nonproliferation, counter-nuclear weapons initiatives,” stated Secretary of State Kerry.

Kerry claimed that Iran could also be a threat to the region if diplomatic efforts in the prevention of Iran’s nuclear program fail. “We believe that our diplomatic efforts will work, but if not, the nuclear program of Iran is going to be a great risk for Israel, Turkey, Jordan and the whole region.”

Speaking to journalist David Grogery during the “Meet the Press” program on NBC TV, Kerry stated that acting against Syria in line with US interests is not only the responsibility of President Obama but also that of the Congress.

During an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation'' program, Kerry emphasized the message to North Koreans, Iranians, and others regarding how serious the US is about enforcing its nonproliferation, counter-nuclear weapons initiatives.

Kerry also stated that the credibility of the United States was on the line, and Congress would do the right thing.

Kerry addresses US citizens on Syria

The US Secretary of State John Kerry addressed to the American Public opinion on acting against Syria for use of Chemical Weapons on major American tv networks.

Stating that sarin gas had been used in Syria Kerry said, “Bashar al-Assad now joins the list of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein who have used these weapons in time of war.”

Claiming that he would not expect the US Senate and House of Representatives to turn down the US interests Kerry stated that the Congress would decide affirmatively on our decision to act against Syrian regime using chemical weapons and they would go further in action.

Upon the question asking whether Obama is going to act if the Congress rejects the idea of operation on Syria, Kerry said that the President does not need to go to the Congress for the operation but still the President has not made his decision about acting despite the Congress.

Concerning Putin’s remarks asking for the evidences the US would base the rationale of the operation on Kerry said that the evidences in hand are sufficient and significant enough so “If the Russian Premier doesn’t want to see the evidences then it is his preference,” said Kerry.

Kerry also stated that they are working closely with Russia on Geneva negotiations and they hope that Russia would also accept that Assad crossed the red lines and they would join them in the efforts to make a resolution in UN Security Council.

Congressional authorization for action against Syria will also send "an important message" to Iran and North Korea said Kerry.

“We will be granting a blanket license to Assad to continue to gas and we will send a terrible message to the North Koreans, Iranians, and others who might be trying to read how serious is America about enforcing its nonproliferation, counter-nuclear weapons initiatives” said Kerry

Focusing on the decision of acting against Syria chemical attack in line with the interests of the US Secretary of State Kerry claimed that if the diplomatic efforts fail in preventing Iran’s nuclear program Iran will be a threat for the region. So acting against Syria in line with the interests of the US is not only a responsibility of President Obama but also that of the Congress, added Kerry

Concerning the Iranian nuclear program “We believe that our diplomatic efforts will work but if not the nuclear program of Iran is going to be a great risk for Israel, Turkey, Jordan and the whole region” said Kerry.