Iran’s Salehi says six powers set February 25 meeting

03 February 2013 | 20:22 Code : 1912373 Latest Headlines


(Reuters) - Six world powers have proposed holding a new round of talks with Iran on its nuclear program in Kazakhstan on February 25, Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Sunday.

"I have good news - I heard yesterday that the P5+1 or EU3+3 will be meeting in Kazakhstan on February 25," he said at the Munich Security Conference.

He did not make clear whether Iran had agreed to the meeting.

A European diplomat said the six powers had proposed a new round of talks on February 25 in Kazakhstan but that Iran had still not given a firm answer. The two sides have been haggling over a date and venue for new talks for weeks.

Western powers suspect Iran of seeking to develop the capability to build a nuclear bomb, but Iran says its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.

Salehi said he would give "positive consideration" to comments by U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden on Saturday in which he held out the possibility of direct talks with Iran.

Salehi said there was "no red line for bilateral negotiations" as long as the other side had a real intention to resolve the issue.

tags: iran