Tehran’s newspapers on Sunday 21st of Aban 1391; November 11th, 2012

Sunday, 21st of Aban - November 11th, 2012
-Washington’s failure to unite Assad opposition
-Ahmadinejad’s negotiations with Vietnam’s senior officials
-SCAP Convention in Tehran with presence of 67 countries
-IAEA and Iran meeting on Dec. 13th in Tehran
-Iran’s ambassador to UN demands immediate measure of international community to stop Israel’s actions in Palestine
-Foreign Ministry Spokesman: US doesn’t deserve to be member of Human Rights Council
-USA TODAY: No one in the US desires war with Iran
-17 Turkish officers killed in helicopter crash
-Israel confesses to terrorist actions in Lebanon
-Obama’s new selection for nuclear negotiations with Iran
-Amano confesses to peacefulness of Iran’s nuclear program
-Ross’ statements about Iran’s nuclear program
-Iran’s parliamentary delegation visit of Turkey
-Iranian prisoners in Syria to be transferred to Tehran
-Iranian vice-president’s trip to Iraq
-CIA Director resigns
-Iran and Saudi Arabia arms deal
-Iran’s ambassador to IAEA confirms new round of talks with IAEA in Tehran
-Ahmadinejad’s 4 day visit to Indonesia and Vietnam ends
-Brussels to host P5+1 meeting on Nov. 21st
-Associated Press: Reduction of Iran’s economic sanctions, new Obama policy in nuclear negotiations
-US president renews state of emergency order against Iran
-Israel’s plan to destroy 22,000 residential units in Jerusalem
-Erdogan: All countries must be Security Council members
-Annan: Military option, no solution for Syria’s crisis
-Syria’s Information Minister: Doha Conference, interference in Syria’s internal affairs
-Growing unemployment in Europe
-Syria’s opposition divides power in Doha Conference
-Bahraini youngster killed by al-Khalifa
-7.6 billion dollar Pentagon contract with Saudi Arabia
-US isolation in economic war
- US national hero’s sexual scandal
-First female Interpol president
-Turgut Ozal was poisoned
-US military station in Yemeni base
-New nuclear proposal to Iran?
-Prediction of Obama administration’s behavior with regard to Iran
-Will Washington’s approach change?
-Behind the scenes of Putin’s house-cleaning
-Obama to visit Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia
-Russians’ desired substitute for Hillary Clinton
-US’ new approach in Iran’s nuclear issue
-Atomic Energy Organization president: Bushehr power plant to be delivered in January
-11,000 displaced Syrians escape to neighboring countries
-Bahraini police attack praying people
-Popular protests reconvene in Saudi Arabia