Iran, North Korea sign technology agreement

01 September 2012 | 21:39 Code : 1906277 Latest Headlines


 (AP) — Iran and North Korea have signed a scientific and technological cooperation agreement, bringing the two nations deeply at odds with the U.S. closer together.

Iran's state TV says the agreement was signed Saturday in Tehran in the presence of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad andNorth Korea's No. 2, Kim Yong Nam. State TV did not provide further details on the document.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Kim that the Islamic Republic and North Korea have common enemies and that both should resist threats and pressures to reach their goals.

Both countries are bitter enemies of the U.S. and the West. Iranian and North Korean officials have said in the past that their nations are in "one trench" in the fight against the Western powers.