Japan’s imports of Iran crude hit zero in July

01 September 2012 | 20:57 Code : 1906267 Latest Headlines


(Reuters) - Japan's imports of Iranian crude oil fell to zero in July, trade ministry data showed on Friday, as Iran's No.3 oil buyer held back from loading cargoes from the Middle Eastern country to avoid contravening a European Union ban on insurance imposed from the beginning of last month.

Japanese buyers stopped lifting Iranian crude in early June so vessels sailing the final part of their journey to Japan would not be uninsured in early July.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's (METI) data differed from customs-cleared figures issued on Thursday showing Japan imported 126,726 barrels per day from Iran last month (624,585 kilolitres), down 52.5 percent from the same month a year ago.

Thursday's data from the Finance Ministry may have reflected a delay in customs clearance on one or more cargoes that arrived in late June or earlier. South Korea also unexpectedly reported that it imported Iranian crude in July, which was attributed to shipment delays in June cargoes.