Jalili: Enemies Fearing Islamic Awakening Not N. Weapons

10 July 2012 | 16:40 Code : 1903932 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- The West is doing its best to block the growing waves of Islamic awakening in the region, a senior Iranian security official said, adding that Islam is the only possible way to save the Muslim community.

"The Islamic awakening, and not nuclear weapons, is the source of enemies' concerns," Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Secretary Saeed Jalili said in a meeting with Head of the Islamic al-Nahda Fraction in the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly Mohammed Sobhi al-Atiq here in Tehran on Monday.

Jalili said that the West is well-aware of the importance of the Islamic awakening in materialization of the Islamic causes.

He lauded the spread of the Islamic awakening in different countries, and stated, "Fortunately, the Islamic thinkers' theory that says Islam is the sole political solution to save the Islamic Ummah (community) has materialized in the current equations."

The Iranian official said that Muslims can reach their long-term goals, including the freedom of Palestine and the Holy Quds, by just relying on the brilliant thoughts of Islam.

Since the beginning of 2011, the Muslim world has witnessed popular uprisings and revolutions similar to what happened in Iran in 1979.

Tunisia saw the overthrow of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in a popular revolution in January, which was soon followed by a revolution which toppled Hosni Mubarak in Egypt in February.

Libya was the third country touched by the Islamic Awakening. Libyans also embraced victory after months of bloody campaign against the country's dictator, Muammar al-Qaddafi.

Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Yemen have since been the scene of protests against their totalitarian rulers, who have resorted to brutal crackdown on demonstrations to silence their critics.