Annan arrives in Damascus save peace plan

09 July 2012 | 16:04 Code : 1903861 Latest Headlines

euronews- Kofi Annan has arrived in Damascus for talks with Syria’s president in a bid to salvage something of his peace plan.
The visit comes a day after the UN special envoy admitted his efforts had so far failed to end 16 months of bloodshed.

Annan arrived at the hotel where the United Nation’s observers have been staying since suspending their patrols because of the sharp rise in violence.

The latest amateur video posted on social media websites appears to show Syrian military vehicles driving through the streets of unverified towns.

There has been no attempt by the military to withdraw from residential areas, as stipulated in the Annan plan.

On Sunday more than 30 people were reported killed during a government bombardment and clashes between Syrian forces and Free Syrian Army rebels.

Annan’s visit comes as the UN is set to debate the future of its supervision mission to the battered country.