Iran fires missile at ‘sea target’ in missile war game

04 July 2012 | 19:58 Code : 1903654 Latest Headlines

(MNA) – On the last day of missile exercises by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps “the Persian Gulf anti-ship missile” was fired at designated sea target, the Sepah News reported on its website on Wednesday.

In addition to the firing of the missile, IRGC fighter jets bombarded the “predetermined targets” and UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) conducted their activities.

On Tuesday, tens of Shahab 1, 2, and 3, Fateh, Tondar, Zelzal, and Qiam missiles -- with a range of 300 to 1300 kilometers -- were fired from different missile sites across the country at bases modeled on airbases of the extra-regional powers, which had been constructed in the heart of the Semnan desert in north central Iran.

All the domestically-produced missiles successfully hit mock enemy targets.