Is Russia abandoning Syria's Assad?

12 June 2012 | 19:29 Code : 1902664 Latest Headlines

Moscow says it would accept Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's resignation, if that's what Syrians want, but Russia might just be thinking of its own interests

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said his country will continue to block any effort at the United Nations to force Syrian President Bashar al-Assad out of power, but that Moscow would accept the departure of its longtime Middle East ally if that is what Syrians want. Speaking two days after U.N. ceasefire monitors came under fire on the way to the scene of the latest civilian massacre, Lavrov said the situation in Syria was "getting more alarming," and he reiterated his call for an international conference on supporting envoy Kofi Annan's failing peace plan. With international pressure mounting to end the killing, is Russia preparing to cut Assad loose, or is it just trying to buy him more time?

Russia's support for Assad is faltering: This won't change anything immediately, says Rick Moran at The American Thinker, but it's a start. The Syrian National Council won't negotiate with the regime until Assad is gone, and Russia knows he's not going to "simply give up power and go into exile." Still, the fact that Moscow is finally willing to talk regime change "is a psychological blow to the Assad regime" because it means "their bulwark against the rest of the world" is crumbling.
"Russia says it won't oppose Assad departure"

SEE MORE: America's increasing support for Syria's rebels: 5 takeaways

The question is, What does Moscow want for dumping Assad?: Russia knows that the ceasefire "ruse" it supported has failed, says Tariq Alhomayed at the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat, and that it's Assad's fault. Moscow knows it can't save the tyrant now, so it's signaling to Saudi Arabia and others backing the opposition that it has "opened negotiations on the future of Assad." The question now is, what is Russia's price going to be for abandoning Assad?
"Has Lavrov bidden farewell to Assad?"

Russia is no peacemaker: The last thing Syria needs is a "Russian-brokered transition," says Michael Weiss at Britain's Telegraph. Just ask Chechnya and Georgia, where Vladimir Putin's Kremlin has installed "undisguised and thoroughly corrupt" puppets to do his bidding. In Syria, that might translate to brushing aside Bashar al-Assad and replacing him with his "more sadistic brother," Maher, so Putin could "declare a 'cosmetic' transition in effect." You'd have to be pretty cynical to call that peacemaking.
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