Speaker Urges Tehran-Cairo Rapprochement

04 June 2012 | 17:41 Code : 1902308 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in a meeting with a delegation of Egyptian journalists and reporters here in Tehran underlined the necessity for the rapid resumption of Iran-Egypt relations, saying that such relations will be in the interests of all Muslims in the world.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran and Egypt, as two significant poles of the Muslim world, must work toward the promotion of their relations to the benefit of Islamic causes," Larijani said on Saturday.

He underlined the necessity for the settlement of existing challenges facing the world of Islam, highlighting the need for Muslim countries to maintain unity to thwart enemy plots.

In relevant remarks, Supreme Leader's Advisor for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati stressed Iran's willingness to establish friendly ties with Egypt once the country's new president ascends to power.

"Iran is fully prepared to establish maximum friendship and have utmost intimacy with the new Egyptian government," Velayati said on Wednesday.

"We are optimistic about the future of the two countries given the developments in Egypt," Velayati stated.

Velayati further said that Tehran and Cairo's differences are not fundamental, and stressed that resumption of ties between the two nations should take place as a result of their own resolve and should not depend on any third party.