Top Iranian lawmaker urges P5+1 to earn Iran trust

22 May 2012 | 17:41 Code : 1901672 Latest Headlines

Press TV- Iran's Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has called on the five UN Security Council members plus Germany (P5+1) to shun “double-dealing” and modify their policies towards Tehran during the forthcoming talks in Baghdad.

Speaking at a parliamentary session on Tuesday, Larijani stated that the Iranian nation expects the members of the P5+1 group (Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States plus Germany) to change their behavior and stop the “shell game” they have played on Iran.

He said it would be improper for the P5+1 to pose a cooperative gesture during the Baghdad talks, while imposing new sanctions against Iran.

Iranians insist on their rights as they welcome realistic and reasonable negotiations, Larijani pointed out.

The latest round of talks between Iran and the P5+1 group was held in the Turkish city of Istanbul on April 14. Both sides hailed the discussions as constructive.

They agreed to hold the next round of the talks in Baghdad on May 23, 2012.

Tehran and the P5+1 had previously held two rounds of talks, one in Geneva, Switzerland, in December 2010, and another in Istanbul, Turkey, in January 2011.

The US, Israel and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear energy program.

Iran has repeatedly dismissed the Western allegations over its nuclear activities, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and an IAEA member, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.