MPs urge 5+1 to revise ‘confrontational’ policy on Iran

21 May 2012 | 16:12 Code : 1901611 Latest Headlines

Tehran Times – Two hundred and three Iranian MPs issued a statement on Sunday, three days before the Baghdad talks, urging world powers to shift their “confrontational” policy on the Islamic Republic.

Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) held a new round of talks in Istanbul on April 14, breaking a 15-month hiatus in talks, and agreed to meet again in Baghdad on May 23.

“We tell the 5+1 group to respect the Iranian nation’s rights, act based on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which is an established norm, without being influenced by the Zionists’ pressure, and change the policy of confrontation with the Islamic Republic to the policy of interaction,” the statement said.

The statement also said, “The fact is that over the past two decades, the United States and its Western allies, with political ends and despite the Islamic Republic of Iran’s commitment to the NPT and the regulations of the agency (the International Atomic Energy Agency), have imposed an unfair challenge on the Iranian nation, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has defended its interests with self-restraint, wisdom, and national resolve.

“Now, it is the West’s turn to (regain) the confidence of the Iranian nation and put an end to its hostile behavior,” the statement added.

Elsewhere in the statement, the MPs said, “We are closely following the process of the negotiations, and urge the Iranian negotiating team to firmly stand up to certain countries’ unreasonable demands and strongly defend the Iranian nation’s rights, and they should know that they enjoy the full support of the people.”

In addition, the lawmakers said that the time for a deceptive and double-standard approach toward Iran has come to an end and that any move in line with the policy of pressure on Iran will receive appropriate response.