Sanctions on Iran should be lifted: Russia

15 May 2012 | 16:23 Code : 1901323 Latest Headlines

(MNA) -- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov has said that the measures necessary to lift the sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program should be taken.

Speaking to IRNA on Monday, Gatilov stated that the sanctions should be lifted, but Iran should also abide by its commitments to the terms of international agreements in regard to its nuclear activities.

“However, the evidence shows that Iran is taking steps toward fulfilling its international commitments in this regard,” he added, according to the Persian service of the news agency.

Gatilov also ruled out the possibility of the United Nations Security Council imposing new sanctions on Iran.

The UN Security Council has approved four rounds of sanctions on Iran in order to pressure the country over its nuclear program.

The Russian deputy foreign minister added, “The mechanism of sanctions is inconsistent with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In addition, the option of sanctions is no longer effective in international relations.”

“Talk of any possible new sanctions against Iran at the United Nations Security Council runs counter to a constructive and confidence-building approach in nuclear talks,” Gatilov said, referring to the talks between Iran and the six major powers over the country’s nuclear program.

Tehran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) held a new round of talks in Istanbul on April 14, breaking a 15-month hiatus in talks, and agreed to meet again in Baghdad on May 23.

Gatilov described the measures taken to resolve the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program through diplomatic channels as “positive” and hailed Tehran’s decision to engage in talks.

He added, “All sides are hopeful for a political settlement of (the dispute over) Tehran’s nuclear program, and there is high motivation to achieve this purpose in the next round of negotiations.

“A political approach should be adopted, and incentives should be offered to Iran.”

The main bone of contention between Tehran and the West is Iran’s uranium enrichment program.

Iran says all its nuclear activities are totally peaceful, and, as an International Atomic Energy Agency member and a nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty signatory, it has the legal right to produce nuclear fuel for its research reactors and nuclear power plants.