Iran most innovative in missile-launching speedboat manufacture: admiral

14 May 2012 | 19:26 Code : 1901274 Latest Headlines

Tehran Times- The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Naval Force has said that Iran is the world’s leading country in producing missile-launching speedboats.

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi made the remarks during the opening ceremony of the second national conference on speedboats which opened on Sunday at Tehran’s Sharif University of Technology.

He said, “Armed speedboats which are capable of firing while moving at high speed only exist in Iran.

“Speedboats equipped with torpedoes and electronic systems exist nowhere in the world but in Iran.”

He added, “Many countries have not entered this field, and some countries like the United States abandoned their attempt after a short time.”

He also said that Iran possesses 20,000 speedboats which serve military purposes.

In addition, he said that Iran has produced a class of speedboats which are able to fire missiles while moving at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the IRGC official said that if the United States launches a war against Iran, missile-launching speedboats will determine the fate of the war.