IRGC foiled terrorist plots during Noruz holidays: general

08 May 2012 | 15:24 Code : 1901008 Latest Headlines

(MNA) – Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces foiled a series of terrorist plots in Tehran during the Noruz (the Iranian New Year) holidays in late March, the commander of the Tehran-based Mohammad Rasulollah Division of the IRGC announced on Monday.

Intelligence forces of the IRGC managed to foil a number of assassination plots and suicide and bombing attacks that terrorists had planned to carry out in sensitive parts of the capital during the Noruz holidays, Brigadier General Mohsen Kazemeini told the Persian service of the Fars News Agency.

IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari had previously said that IRGC forces had managed to foil a major plot by the enemies against the Islamic Republic during the Noruz holidays.