Ann Romney: Mitt is ‘a wild and crazy man inside’

02 May 2012 | 19:30 Code : 1900738 Latest Headlines

Mitt Romney is the opposite of a boring old stiff as conventional wisdom labels him, according to the description his wife Ann offered on CBS Tuesday morning.

“I think in politics this is what always happens, there is a narrative, you like to put someone in a box and keep them in a box,” Ann Romney said. “For me, I love the opportunity of letting people see a side of Mitt that often people mischaracterize.”

When This Morning co-host Charlie Rose asked Ann Romney why a more comfortable side of her husband is still hard to detect, she vowed that “it’s going to come out.”

“I still look at him as the boy that I met in high school when he was playing all the jokes and really just being crazy, pretty crazy,” she said. “And so there’s a wild and crazy man inside of there just waiting to come out!”

The former Massachusetts governor has displayed a number of awkward and out of touch moments on the campaign trail, which include mentioning “The trees are the right height” in Michigan to proudly announcing how some of his best friends are NASCAR owners.