Iran, Bosnia call for closer cooperation

10 April 2012 | 23:10 Code : 1899862 Latest Headlines
TEHRAN, April 10 (MNA) – Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast has said that Iran is keen to expand its relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina in all spheres.

Mehmanparast, who has travelled to Bosnia at the head of a media delegation, made the remarks during a meeting with Bosnian Deputy Foreign Minister Suada Dilberovic in Sarajevo on Monday.

The two countries’ untapped potential should be used to expand the relations in all spheres, particularly in the field of media, Mehmanparast stated.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian official commented on the sanctions imposed on the country, saying, “While all Western countries are in a way experiencing crises and economic shocks, the Islamic Republic of Iran, while being under sanctions, succeeded in implementing one of the greatest national economic plans that calls for the (gradual) removal of subsidies.

“We do not welcome sanctions, but the sanctions (imposed on Iran) during the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution has so far made the Iranian nation stronger and more determined to (make) progress and (attain) self-sufficiency.”

Mehmanparast also commented on the next round of talks between Iran and the 5+1 group (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany), which is scheduled to be held in Istanbul on April 14.

He expressed hope that the negotiations would be held in a positive and constructive atmosphere and that the negotiating side would recognize Iran’s right to access nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes.

During the meeting, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson also explained the stance Iran has adopted toward the wave of pro-democracy uprisings rolling across the Arab world.

The Bosnian deputy foreign minister spoke about the relation between the two countries and said, “The ground is prepared to enhance ties.”

Dilberovic also thanked the Islamic Republic for the assistance it provided to Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Balkan war, which took place between April 1992 and December 1995.

In addition, he said that his country is seeking annexation to the European Union and its membership in the EU would help open a new chapter in the relations between the two countries.

Consultations between Iranian and Bosnian officials should continue, Dilberovic added.