Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

03 April 2012 | 00:53 Code : 1899571 Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review
Tehran’s newspapers on Monday 14th of Farvardin 1391; Apr. 2nd, 2012-04-02
Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

A Look at the Headlines of Iran’s Morning Papers


Etelaat, Tehrane Emrooz, Resalat, and Iran have all quoted from the talks of the Supreme Leader with Turkey’s Prime Minister:

“ The developments of the region have been to the benefit of Muslims. “

“ We will counterattack at the same level of any attack. “

“ We disagree with any US- designed plan for Syria. “


The front-page headline of Kayhan is the speech of the Supreme Leader addressing pilgrims in Mashad:

“ The Islamic Republic defends the rights of the people of Iran like a lion. “


Kayhan: 11 Countries Do Not Agree with Sanctioning Iran, the US Retreats

“ The US administration, in a rare measure, exempted 11 Asian and European countries from sanctions against Iran.”

“ Hillary Clinton, in an official statement dated March 20,2012, announced that Japan, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Spain are exempted from US economic sanctions.”

Kayhan: Iran Will not Stop its 20% Uranium Enrichment Program

“ The agenda of the 5+1 group in its negotiations with Iran to be held in two weeks is probably to stop 20% uranium enrichment. “

“ It should be noted that the NPT forbids member states from producing nuclear weapons and places no limitation for the enrichment of uranium. Iran has announced that it will not halt its 20% uranium enrichment, to be used for medical purposes.”

Jomhourie Eslami:

“New statements of the Head of the General Investigating Office about behind-the-scenes issues of the 3,000 billion toman embezzlement.“