No will in parliament that Iran quit NPT: MP

19 November 2011 | 19:38 Code : 18034 Latest Headlines

Mehr News - Currently there is no will among Majlis representatives to approve a law to end Iran’s membership of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a lawmaker says.

“Currently there is no will in Majlis for quitting NPT and other international organizations,” Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi told the Mehr News Agency.

Instead, he said, Iran should unite the Non-Aligned Movement in order to increase the weight of this international bloc in defending Iran’s nuclear rights.

“We should use all our efforts to increase our influence on the agency (IAEA),” Aboutorabi added.

In its latest report on Iran’s nuclear program, the International Atomic Energy Agency claimed that Iran appears to have worked on designing an atomic bomb and may still be conducting secret research.

The Iranian ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, has said the IAEA report is based on “information provided by intelligence services of (the) U.S., UK, France, (the) Israeli regime and some other Western countries, which are false, baseless, and fabricated.”

Aboutorabi said the movements against Iran by Western countries, particularly the United States, are “biased and we should try to counter them.”

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani announced on November 13 that the Majlis deems it necessary to revise Iran’s cooperation with the IAEA.